International Conference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications 2023
September 25-29, 2023 | Denver, CO, USA
The 12th International Conference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications continues to bring scientists and engineers together in the fields of inertial fusion sciences, high-energy-density physics, and inertial fusion energy research. This will be the first major in-person conference focused on inertial confinement fusion since the recent achievements of the National Ignition Facility. The conference will include a strong emphasis on the new and growing private fusion industry including a dedicated session of plenary talks focused on this expanding segment of our community and a panel discussion. These topics offer exciting opportunities and challenges to the research community and will make for inspiring discussions during the
The following topics will be covered by this meeting:
Inertial Fusion Science
High Energy Density Science
Z-pinch Physics
Heavy Ion Beam Physics
Laser-plasma Interactions
Hohlraum Energetics
Plasma Nuclear Science (incl. neutron generation & applications, transmutation, and nuclear physics
Plasma Photonics
Heavy Ion Beam Accelerator Technology
Hydrodynamics (incl. equation of states, instabilities, etc.)
Atomic Physics (incl. radiation transport, opacity, etc.)
High-energy and/or short-pulse laser technology
Pulsed Power Technology
Laboratory Astrophysics
Particle Generation and Applications
Radiation Sources and Applications
Fusion Target Fabrication
This will be the first in-person meeting of this series since 2019. The IFSA conference rotates across Europe, Japan, and the USA every two years. 2021 being the pandemic year the conference was effectively cancelled, but we held three virtual talks instead.


Osaka, Japan

Saint-Malo, France
Seattle, Washington

For questions, please contact Erica Gutierrez at engutie@sandia.gov or 505-895-1537
Registration includes the following:
The conference registration
Breakfast, lunch, and snacks every day of the conference
Sunday Night Reception Dinner
Dinner at Wings Over the Rockies
University Student Participation
The U.S. Department of Energy has agreed to sponsor $50k of hotel costs for US students only on a first come, first served basis (a $1037 value!). NOTE: Any students who receive funds are required to give a poster or a talk at the conference.
The University of California (UC) has agreed to cover the registration costs of the first 13 students from UC institutions (a $825 value!) on a first come, first served basis.
September 25-29, 2023
Final registration will close September 8th
**If you need a visa support letter, please email Erica Gutierrez at engutie@sandia.gov
Plenary Speakers

200 Inverness Dr W, Englewood, CO 80112
​**​* Reservations booked via other travel sites (i.e. Expedia, Priceline, etc.) or using Hilton Honors points or discounts will not qualify towards any associated perks to include parking and waived resort fee ***
Make a reservation via either the link above or call 1-855-274-3978 (24/7 available) by referring to the group code SNLC for September 23 - 29, 2023 (assigned dates)
If anyone wishes to stay pre/post nights of the assigned dates (s), or any question on your room reservation, please reach out to reservations@invernessdenver.com
We develop and apply pulsed-power technology to expand the frontiers of high-energy-density-science, fusion, and extreme radiation environments with the primary goals to provide essential data for the Nation’s nuclear stockpile, to inform present and future stockpile decisions, and to be an engine of discovery for national security.
EX-Fusion can accept higher risk tolerance and accelerate the development of necessary technologies to commercialize nuclear fusion successfully. Japan is home to several world-leading technologies around nuclear fusion and lasers. By leveraging and aggregating those partnerships and building our proprietary technology, EX-Fusion contributes to this community.
TRUMPF is a market and technology leading manufacturer of industrial lasers and machine tools. Our innovations in laser sources and applications are found in almost every sector of industry. Our broad range of technologies provides the right solution for almost any application, from femto-second pulses to high-power continuous operation.
​General Atomics supports wide-ranging research in ICF, IFE, and HED physics worldwide. GA components and services were an integral part of the successful 2022-23 ignition campaign on NIF. We have supplied components, diagnostics, and associated equipment and support services to NNSA laboratories and other clients for more than 25 years.
​Heraeus Conamic is a technology leader for the manufacturing and processing of highest purity synthetic fused silica for high-power lasers, science, research & industry. We offer a broad portfolio of optical fused silica grades e.g. cost-efficient large-size fused silica with low-absorption for NIR and radiation hardened fused silica for UV.
Fuse's world-class team aims to revolutionize pulsed power technology with TITAN, a 1 Terawatt Impedance Matched Marx Generator. This machine, once built, will be the most efficient and powerful of its kind, and will bring us closer to realizing limitless clean energy through Magnetized-Liner Inertial Fusion.
Edward Teller Medal
This medal is given in recognition of pioneering research and leadership in the use of high intensity drivers (e.g. lasers, ion-particle beams, pulsed power) to produce unique high-density matter for scientific research and to conduct investigations of inertial fusion.
Edouard Fabre Prize
The prize has been established by the European COST Action MP1208 “Developing the physics and the scientific community for Inertial Confinement Fusion” in 2014 to commemorate one of the founders of the directly-driven Inertial Confinement Fusion for Energy studies in Europe. It is rewarding active researchers at mid-career (within 15 years of the doctoral degree) working on ICF-related topics.
The Yamanaka award (formerly the IFSA student prize) is given to early-career students/scientists and is sponsored by IFE Forum, Japan.
This Year’s Award Winners
Teller Awards
Omar Hurricane (2021), Ryosuke Kodama (2021), Peter Norreys (2023), Otto Landen (2023)

Fabre Awards
Alex Zylstra (2023) and David Turnbull (2023)

University Student Participation
The U.S. Department of Energy has agreed to sponsor $50k of hotel costs for US students only on a first come, first served basis (a $1037 value!). NOTE: Any students who receive funds are required to give a poster.
The University of California (UC) has agreed to cover the registration costs of the first 13 students from UC institutions (a $825 value!) on a first come, first served basis.